
Fellowship is so important in our faith journey as we support and strengthen one another  

Lutheran Women's Missionary League

The LWML is a mission-based women's outreach organization, affiliated with Lutheran Church - Canada. Our Society meets at 6:00 pm on the second Thursday of the month for a Bible study or guest presentation followed by a brief business meeting. All ladies and senior youth age girls are encouraged to attend this mission-oriented group. During this winter, the ladies are supporting the work of Ann Davis Transition Society by collecting gloves, hats, scarves and socks for the family shelter. Donations may be dropped off at the church during office hours. The Lutheran Women's Missionary League will take a break for the summer and resume in September.

Sip 'n Stitch

Do you love to knit/crochet/cross stitch etc. and would enjoy sharing your hobby with others? Then come to this informal monthly gathering of stitchers and crafters. The group meets from 6:00-8:00 pm on the third Thursday of the month. Bring your own beverage and snacks please. This is not just for the ladies ... Men are most welcome to attend!