Friends & Partners

- Lutheran Church Canada - St. Paul's is a member congregation of Lutheran Church-Canada. LCC is affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri synod. We are part of the Alberta-British Columbia region of LCC.
- Concordia Lutheran Seminary -The western Canada Seminary is located at Concordia College in Edmonton and prepares future church workers for careers in full time ministry.
Missions and Outreach:
- Canadian Lutheran World Relief - Natural disaster, man-made strife and other calamaties often leave behind many victims. Lutherans across Canada work together to respond quickly when there is need anywhere in the world.
- Lutheran Foundation Canada - this organization encourages Godly stewardship by providing seminars and other opportunities where Christians can learn about planned giving in support of Christ's church.
- Lutheran Hour Ministries - provides excellent print, audio and video-based materials. It produces The Lutheran Hour, a radio program that is heard around the globe each week. Print and digital Bible studies are available for personal and group use. Daily Devotions and special seasonal devotions can be emailed to you each day so you can listen on your computer or even your smart phone. A great way to start each day!
- Lutheran Laymen's League of Canada - this independent organization serves as an auxilliary to Lutheran Church - Canada. It provides print and audio-visual materials to assist congregations and individuals in proclaiming the Word of God.
- Lutheran Women's Missionary League - Canada - the national organization uniting Lutheran women in mission and ministry. LWML-C is also involved in regional, national and overseas mission work in partnership with Lutheran Church-Canada.