You can bless your neighbors in Chilliwack
Through our partnership with other organizations in downtown Chilliwack you can make life a little easier for struggling individuals and families.
One of our local projects this year is to collect items on a "shopping list" given to us by Cyrus Center, the youth shelter and outreach program in downtown Chilliwack. We are currently collecting socks, underwear and packages snacks such as granola bars for Cyrus Center. Your gifts of love and warmth are most appreciated and can be brought to the church any time during office hours or on Sunday mornings. We also provide dinner once or twice a month for young people staying in the shelter. If you would like to help with preparing a meal, or financial supporting the meal program, please contact the church office.
In provide ongoing support for the work of Most Ministries, an international organization that provides eyeglass clinics in some of the poorest areas of Central America. We are collecting used eyeglasses that will be distributed at Christian eyeglass clinics. Your old glasses can give the precious gift of sight to someone desperately in need of this practical help. Bring your used eyeglass - prescription or non-prescription to the church any Sunday (or any day the office is open). We will make sure that your gift is put to good use.
Concordia Lutheran Mission Society has adopted some exciting Mission Projects for 2024. You can be assured that 100% of your donation goes to the project you choose to support. For more details or donation options go to
Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS) is an independent mission society, chartered under the Corporations Act of Manitoba and registered as a charitable organization with Canada Revenue Agency. It holds auxiliary organization status with Lutheran Church-Canada. CLMS is "independent" in that it is self-governing, and not dependent on any other organization. However, it works closely with Lutheran Church-Canada and its partner churches around the world, to support various missionary, educational and social ministry projects.
Have you B-O-P'ped anyone recently? We believe that acts of kindness should not be random. Rather Christians should look for opportunities to bless others On Purpose. This is the primary focus of our service at St. Paul's. God has blessed us On Purpose through Jesus Christ and so we respond by blessing other On Purpose. We distribute small cards with this simple message to our members and friends. They then look for opportunities to bless someone (often anonymously) and leave the card to explain why.
People can be quite creative in using these cards. For example:
There is no end to the ways we can bless others with simple acts of kindness. Imagine if everyone lived this way. Wouldn't our town and our world be a nicer place? And we do this all in thanks to God because he deliberately set out a plan to save us - On Purpose.
BOP'ped cards aren't just for members of St. Paul's. We are happy to give you a supply of cards that you can use to bless others. Just contact the church office.
Prayer changes things. We have a gracious God who delights to hear the prayers of His children. If you would like to be a member of our Prayer Team, please contact the church office. Prayer Team members commit to a life of active prayer, interceding for those with prayer requests. Have a prayer request? Contact the church office by phone (604-792-9577) or email ([email protected])