The Season of Lent
Wednesday, March 5 marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a 40-day period of reflection and repentance as we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Easter - our Lord's resurrection! During Lent, we focus on acts of service to others in thanks to God for his gift of forgiveness and redemption. We will have a series of midweek Lenten services, beginning at 7:00 pm each Wednesday from March 5 to April 9.
Our Lenten Servant Project will be to support the work of the Community Angels Food and Hosuing Support Society, an organization dedicated to addressing the challenges of food and housing insecurity among seniors in the Chilliwack area. Specifically, our efforts will be focused on collecting protein drinks such as Ensure or Boost which will be given to vulnerable seniors through the Community Angels program. You may drop off your gifts anytime the church is open. You may also support this project by donating to our Local Relief Fund and we will purchase the beverages on your behalf.
Celebrating 50 years of blessing!
On Sunday, March 23 we will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ordination of our faithful brother in Christ, Rev. Dr. William Mundt. While we take this opportunity to thank and praise God for faithful Pastors here at home, we will also be remembering those who serve in lands far away. In thanksgiving we will also hold a Mission Lunch on March 23 to support the work of one of Pastor Mundt's former students, Rev. Yuri Timerkan, who serves two congregations and two mission sites in war torn Ukraine.
We are a GriefShare Congregation
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