Calendar - Education



Christian Education isn't only for children. God's family of all ages can benefit from regular instruction in the Word of God. Come and join  with others in this journey of faith through the Bible.

New participants are always welcome at any of our education programs and you need not be a member of our congregation.



During the school year (September-May) children are dismissed just prior to the sermon for Children's Church with an age-appropriate Bible lesson while their parents listen to Pastor's message. The children return to their families in time for communion. From June-August the children remain in church with their families but are given craft and lesson activities to work on in the pew during the sermon. Children are invited to display their artwork after the service. We also have Busy Bags with quiet toys for the young children as well as a Parents' Room with one way glass if parents need a quiet place to take their little ones. 


Our all-ages education program is offered every Sunday after the worship service. Grab a cup of coffee and a treat from the Coffee Fellowship area upstairs and then head downstairs for a great group Bible study led by Pastor. This study will continue through the summer months.

The study is followed by a simple lunch and some thought-provoking small group discussions.  


We have been blessed to have Rev. Wayne Lunderby as our Pastor for over 25 years ... but the time has come for Pastor to enjoy a very well-deserved retirement. We can't let him go without a proper good-bye, so we're inviting friends old and new to join us for this very special celebration.