
April, 2021

April 1, 2021: MAUNDY THURSDAY - private communion by appointment

April 2, 2021: GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE OF DARKNESS (on-line only)

Start Time:7:00pm

April 4, 2021: EASTER

April 4, 2021: WORSHIP SERVICE - In person or Online

Start Time:10:00am

April 7, 2021: Private Communion by appointment - contact the office to register

April 11, 2021: WORSHIP SERVICE - In person or Online

Start Time:10:00am

April 14, 2021: Private Communion by appointment - contact the office to register

April 18, 2021: WORSHIP SERVICE - In person or Online

Start Time:10:00am

April 21, 2021: Private Communion by appointment - contact the office to register

April 25, 2021: WORSHIP SERVICE - In person or Online

Start Time:10:00am

April 28, 2021: Private Communion by appointment - contact the office to register